Larry picked at his grubby fingernails. Using the blade of a rusty penknife he plucked out small lumps of caked black dirt, flicking them onto the floor of his battered Volkswagen Crafter van.
She knew too much and had to be dealt with.

Wiping the knife, he finally caught a glimpse of Sarah leaving her workplace.
I have a lot to do this evening. Pick up the dry cleaning and do a food shop on the way home. Chicken and roasted vegetables for dinner sounds good. Then make calls to some friends in the force. Maybe there will be some fresh leads on this murder hunt.

I turn on music - Calvin Harris beats fill my ears and tune out the day. A smell of pine trees and a warm autumnal breeze invade my nostrils - a complete contrast to the frustration I seemed to encounter all day. This investigation is going nowhere - fast.
She walked gracefully as always, pointing her toes like a ballerina, moving effortlessly. Her slight, slim frame could be blown along by a strong wind. Larry had watched her for the past few days and knew her ritual. This would have to be timed right down to the millisecond.
Her long red hair billowed behind her as she moved along the tree-lined path that framed the exterior of the city park. The contrast of her hair and her bright canary yellow coat made her stand out against the more earthy colours of the oak trees and dark railings.
The song Summer was interrupted by an incoming call. The tone on the opposite end of the phone was terse and forthright. The instructions from the Detective Garda were clear and simple.
Sit down and stay put. We're coming to you.

Her routine had been broken by a phone call. Her expression changed dramatically. She began to look around, doing a full 360 degree turn.
Her multi - coloured spin reminded Larry of Wonder Woman.
Except this girl wasn't anyone special - she was just a cheap journalist bitch.
And she had seen Larry's face. And she would pay.
I was now shitting myself. How would this evil bastard know who I was? Was it the story that flushed him out? Or was the Detective over-reacting?
How did he know what I looked like?
Sarah sat down but then got up from the park bench. Confused, she sat back down again. Her gaze darted to and fro, watching anyone that approached her with suspicion. Larry had to act swiftly.

I searched my handbag for anything that resembled a weapon. My apartment keys were the best option, as I slipped them in between my fingers with the metal prong protruding.
She was spooked, rummaging around her handbag.
If the murder hunt was stalling, well I definitely had a new lead! If this Detective was correct, he was coming for me.
I was number four.
Larry donned the uniform, hat and pulled on a hi-viz jacket before closing the side door of the van. He walked at an even pace and entered the park at the same point Sarah had. She was just metres away.

Thank God they're here! A lone Garda approaches me with his hands upturned, indicating calm down. His dirty hands register with me, but don't distract me fully.
I feel anything but calm. I say nothing but exhale loudly. The last few minutes have been anything but normal.
She suspects nothing. She trusts the uniform, silly bitch.
"Sarah, isn't it?"
"Yes it is. You were quicker than I expected."
He takes me by the elbow, leading me toward the street and a parked white van.
"My colleague had told me where you'd be - and what you'd be wearing."
His grip is firmer than I first imagined and I can feel him near lifting me. I know this is wrong - his hands, the information he divulged - but he is very strong.
Out of the corner of my eye I see another two Gardai running toward us.
With guns raised.
My stomach sinks. Oh shit.
Time to go Sarah. Time to go.
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